Finally, i manage to finish all my 5 pictures. I’m using Adobe Photoshop CS5 and for your information, all cakes image are originally taken from my old handphone so the output is not good enough.
For the beginning, for cropping tecnique, i used selection tools such as Magic wand tool and Quick Mask mode.The selection tools are used to facilitate the process of making selections of shapes, colors, and objects inside of Photoshop, and positioning them in the working image area. With tools like the magnetic lasso and magic wand, Photoshop packs a powerful array of selection gadgets!(David, 2008).
In this project, I use the Magic Wand Tool. It is unlike the rest of the selection tools, in that is selects areas based on color. To use the Magic Wand Tool, i simply point and click the color i want to select in the active image area. To add an area to the existing selection, i hold down [Shift] key while clicking.
Quick mask mode is one of the most sophisticated advance techniques used for minute selections. Quick mask mode is a powerful way of selection in Photoshop. It is a selection based on the masking of the desired portion of an image. It is used for minute and accurate selections. Almost use this mode to make a detail selection for all image.
Filters are the ready-made effects grouped under filter menu of Photoshop can be applied with single clicked either on the entire image or a selection. In general filters are used to add special effects to image. It can be used for photo retouching. It is used to create realistic textures, stunning text effects. It can entirely change the environment of an image.
A Gaussian Blur is a general purpose blur filter. This removes fine image detail and noise leaving only larger scale changes. Gaussian Blurs produce a very pure smoothing effect without side effects. I used this filter to the background image of garden flower. Then, using the selection color which is give a control to the only color we want to adjust.
Photoshop provides a variety of effects such as shadows, glows, and bevels that change the appearance of a layer’s contents. Layer effects are linked to the layer contents. I use these 3 effects almost to my pictures. Drop Shadow will adds a shadow that falls behind the object. While Inner Shadow will adds a shadow that falls just inside the edges of the object and last but not least, Outer Glow and Inner Glow will add glows that emanate from the outside or inside edges of the object.
Finally, i’m using scale, rotate and duplicate to the popcakefly & fall picture. I’m also used warp to change the shape of the popcake.
Overall, these are the great things that we can do with Adobe Photoshop. There are so many things that we will be able to do with this photo editing software. Once we master the basics, we will be able to find out a lot more things that we will be able to do with Adobe Photoshop.
Finally i thank to Dr.Neo Mai for teach me how to use some tools i’ve never used before and to all my friends Kak Zura, Sya, Enas, Aneesa & Zack thanks for the support.
Below are detail about every pictures.
My theme is
1. Crop image cake and butterfly using pen tool and magic wand tool.
2. To remove the texts i used clone stamp tools.
3. Combine the background picture, cake and butterflies.
4. Duplicate the picture of cake and replace with the old flower.
5. I'm using gaussian blur effect to make the background blur and the cake that is far behind.
Spring Season is a particular type of season that is experienced in the temperate climatic zones. Spring is an intermediate seasonal phase in between winter and summer. Spring signifies the emergence of new life. Spring months are the blossoming months that bring meaningful growth and rejuvenation in its wake. Spring enriches natural beauty and it seems as if nature is dressed in a beautiful green gown.
The flower blossom's cake gives an extraordinary scenery to the garden itself with the butterflies flying around the sweet and beautiful cakes. The flower blossom's cake represent the growth, beauty and beautiful of new life begin after the winter season.
1. Crop image using pen tool and magic wand tool
2. Click at cake layer then choose Select/ Modify/Feather
3. Drag image fire and cake to new psd file with black background
4. Duplicate layer fire to 4 layer to give special effect, using eraser no 65 to remove unnessasary image.
5. Give special effect to cake to make it outstanding look.
Summer is generally known to be the season which has the hottest and longest days in a year. It falls between the seasons of spring and autumn.
The fire on top of the cake represent the heat of the summer time. In the summer time, people enjoy to go to the picnic & had a party to enjoy the moment, and cake become one of their menu. So this is why cake become hottest in the summer time.
1. Crop cake image using pen tool and magic wand tool
2. I remove the flower on top of the flower using clone stamps tool.
3. Then, i use the adjust the selection color & hue saturation to make the color of cake similar to the autumn feel.
4. Crop the dried leave and remove the text in the middle of the picture using clone stamp.
5. Then, i placed the dried leave on top of the cake and duplicate it and transform it to the different size and perspectives.
6. I'm using brush to make a shadow effect to the leaves and gaussian effect to the some of the leave.
7. I found very similar background and place it below the cake.
Autumn, also termed as “fall” in North America is an intermediary phase in between summer and winter. Autumn is a specific season in the temperate zone. The end of summer signifies the arrival of autumn. Autumn is characterized by mellowness.
Autumn leaves have a reddish tinge which falls away during this season thereby paving the way for further growth. These autumn leaves fall into the cake represent the autumn season nearly ended which is make a signal that winter is coming.
1. Crop cake image, kids using pen tool and magic wand tool.
2. Place the cake and the kids at the background image.
3. Using clone stamp, i make long pant for them because this is winter season.
4. Combine all image and duplicate again to make it grey effect which is suitable for the winter season feel and look.
5. Erased the image of cake in this grey layer using brush to make the color of cake more outstanding.
6. Make a new layer and using snow flake brush to make the snow flake effect. Transform the snow flakes and change the color using hue saturation and selection color.
7. For the snow effect, make a mask layer and choose mode dissolve.
Winter is the coldest season of the year and it is a part of the main seasons found in the temperate zone. In general, winter is characterized by having minimum temperatures and the days of the shortest duration.
The Cake House provide the shelter to the kids and also the food to energies them again. So, the kids happily walking to go to the candy house to warm them self during the longest night ever and eat cake as much as they like while outside snows start to falls.
1. Crop cake image, butterfly wings using pen tool and magic wand tool.
2. Place the cake and the butterfly wings at the background image.
3. Transform and resize the cake and give a outer and inner glow effect to the butterfly wings.
A tropical rainforest climate, also known as an equatorial climate, is a tropical climate. These forests, receive abundant, year-round rainfall, and are characterized by an enclosed canopy and high species diversity, but lack the year-round warmth and sunlight associated with tropical rainforests.
Malaysian is one of the equatorial rain forest in the world. The flying butterflies cake is a metaphor of the happiness and freedom of Malaysian people. We can see, the freedom of the butterflies flying around the forest without no worries.
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